Art Stream Videos

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Description: Art Stream is a new advertising channel for the art community and an entertainment medium for art lovers that uses streaming video technology to deliver high resolution videos of fine art on TVs, cell phones, and tablets.

Art Stream is a unique, new service that works with leading artists and art galleries to convert high definition images of fine art into 45-second videos. Each video pans across the image and zooms into points of interest to provide and entertainment forum for art lovers. At the end of each video we provide contact information and an optional QR code to link potential buyers of each work of fine art to the gallery or artist's buy site via smartphones. Videos are shown on Roku at no charge to those who subscribe to our Art Stream Video channel. Art Stream is uniquely positioned to capitalize on the growth of smart TVs, high resolution displays, and advances in streaming video and wireless technology. As an entertainment medium for art lovers and an advertising medium for artists and galleries, Art Stream bridges the gap between entertainment for art lovers and advertising to increase revenue for galleries and individual artists. Typical viewers are people who visit art galleries and care about and buy art and people who want to use their new HD TVs as compelling background video entertainment. Art Stream is ideal for hotels, fine restaurants, those in waiting areas, and especially in homes or businesses with larger screen TVs in prominent locations. Galleries can effectively have their own channel on Roku to display examples of their best artwork using a large screen medium that changes at whatever frequency they desire.

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Category: screensavers-and-apps
Developer: CreativeDigital

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