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Description: Solid teaching on issues ranging from revival to rap music, science to sex. "...Christianity is the story of how the rightful King has landed, you might say in disguise, and is calling us all to take part in His great campaign of sabotage" - C.S. Lewis

Evangelism, discipleship and worldview training for the 21st century.

Hundreds of thousands of these award-winning videos have been distributed worldwide, reaching and helping to transform the lives of millions. Each is presented in a series that is comprehensive and epic in scope, not glossing over controversy, yet broken down into "Sunday-school-sized" parts to make the rich content manageable and accessible for the average viewer.

These presentations are mind-bending for the believer and skeptic alike -- using popular culture as a foil to present God's law to convict hearts . and then the Gospel that sets people free from the condemnation of sin.

A wide variety of cultural issues are addressed: music, popular entertainment, the lordship of Jesus Christ, developing a rigorously biblical worldview, "divine sabotage," biblical courtship, sexual and emotional purity, epistemology, the Ten Commandments, challenging popular "end-times" presuppositions, . and more.

For the past thirty years, we have been exposing and wrestling with the serpents of chaos, confusion, lust, brokenness and narcissism. These are the spiritual powers and principalities operating in the shadows that could ultimately doom our civilization. But if it does, it will not be because the serpent and its offspring are so strong. It will be because we have refused the call to wrestle with the serpents of spiritual wickedness.

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Category: religion-and-spirituality

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