Kenneth Copeland Ministries

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Description: Watch six new Believer's Voice of Victory programs each week as well as full-length Faith Classics from the 1980's. Additionally watch live KCM events on the BVOV Television Network 24/7 channel, plus topical ministry teaching videos, partner testimonies and recent events on-demand.

The Kenneth Copeland Ministries Roku Channel features the Monday through Friday "Believer's Voice of Victory" half-hour program plus exclusive access to the "Week@Once" version providing the entire week's broadcast in a single 2-hour program. The Sunday "Believers Voice of Victory" is provided as well. Roku is one of the few places you can watch these programs in high-definition. Also included is BVOV Television Network, our 24 hour-a-day live channel that provides live coverage of such events as The Branson Victory Campaign, The Southwest Believers Convention and The Washington D.C. Victory Campaign. Additionally, the channel provides the messages from all of those events on-demand. Also included are full-length Faith Classic messages from the 1980's and 1990's. As a bonus feature be sure your children watch all four of the "Commander Kellie and the SuperKids" movies produced by Kenneth Copeland Ministries in the 1990's.

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Category: religion-and-spirituality

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