W. V. Grant Ministries

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Description: Grant is a faith-teacher at the Dallas, Texas Church that he pastors, "Eagle's Nest Cathedral", every Sunday morning

W. V. Grant Ministries is a ministry to "reach the unreached." In addition to state-wide and city-wide Healing Crusades in some of the nation's largest cities, Rev. Grant is a faith-teacher at the Dallas, Texas Church that he pastors, "Eagle's Nest Cathedral", every Sunday morning. He has written 52 books, oversees 4 Bible Correspondence Courses, travels in 2-3 missionary crusades annually, and is on dozens of TV stations. He has taught-on and produced scores of C.D. teaching sets (most of them 16 hours in length) that have touched and changed the lives of people world-wide. His telecast, "W. V. Grant Presents" is seen each week in most nations of the world. He has trained and ordained thousands of ministers, and chartered hundreds of churches. His email, "Weekly Nourishment" is sent free to thousands of homes each Friday. Possessing a unique singing voice, he has 28 singing C. D. albums available. His magazine, "Where Eagles Fly" is a free bi-monthly magazine which shows actual
pictures and testimonies of hundreds who have had undeniable and confirmed miracles. He ministers in conventions and churches nationwide...and locally. he feeds the homeless and hungry, and reaches out to the hurting and helpless.

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Category: religion-and-spirituality
Developer: New Beginning TV Network

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