Morris Cerullo Ministries

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Description: Experience Dr. Morris Cerullo's powerful teachings from more than six decades of changing lives, and taking the Gospel to the nations of the world.

Experience powerful, breakthrough ministry from Morris Cerullo and his guests. For more than sixty years, Morris has dedicated his life to helping hurting people and to taking the Gospel to the nations. Through his daily television, World Conferences, and School of Ministries your life will be transformed forever!
. If you have a sickness, God has a healing!
. If you have a family problem, God has a solution!
. If you are facing financial challenges, God can bring you into an incredible experience of His overflowing abundance and provision!
Many years ago while Morris was preparing for a crusade in Porto Alegre, Brazil, God spoke to him. God said, "Son, build Me an army!" Then He revealed to Morris that the key to building this spiritual army would be the training, equipping, and most importantly, the anointing of believers to reach their own communities and nations for Christ.
God asked Morris what he wanted out of this life, and Morris replied, "Lord, give me the ability to transfer to others the same proof-producing demonstration of signs and wonders and anointing that you have given to me."
Since that time, God has used Dr. Cerullo to transfer the same anointing that He placed on Morris's life and ministry to more than three million Nationals around the world. Now, Morris is following a divine mandate to raise up 20 million Holy Spirit empowered believers by the year 2020!

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Category: religion-and-spirituality

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